Dimensions 122 × 46 × 61 cm
Title Sebastian's Fantasia
Volume 340L
Background Black plexiglass
Lighting 2 Coralife MH HQI Pendants, 175W each
Filtration Ocean Clear canister two-stage filtration
Plants Starting at the back left to right: Rorippa aquatica, Valisneria sp., Heteranthera sp. Bacopa sp. 'colorata', Rotala macrandra 'green', Aponogeton longiplumulosus and Proserpinaca palustris. Continuing from right front to the left: Lobelia cardinalis 'dwarf', Ambulia sp. Blyxa japonica, Ludwigia sp. 'Guinea', Pogostemon helferi 'Downoi', Rotala macrandra and Ludwigia brevipes.
Animals Black Angelfish, cardinal tetras, rummynose tetras, African barbs (B. nicholsi), Laetacara curviceps, Ctenopoma faciolatum, female guppies, Blue Cameroon Wood Shrimp
Materials Flora Base substrate, one stump-like driftwood piece on the right, two branchy driftwood pieces near the center and a metamorphic rock on the left to add weight and balance to the composition.
Additional Information Fertilization includes CO2 injection using a Pinpoint pH Controller, and regular addition of phosphate, nitrate, potassium, calcium, magnesium and CSM+B trace elements stock solutions.
Your stem plants are so healthy! still I think yoou needed one more trimming to the background plants to get the best of them.