#106: 400L Aquatic Garden discus garden

Leonidas Maragkakis Chania, Greece


On this layout I would like to make one remark only eventhough the tank is narrow it seems to be much deeper and yet the plants are so close to each other that it looks rather busy.
I like this composition and wonder how much will it change if more dense groups of selected plants where there instead of small groups of many plants.
The tank is clean and the fish seem to be happy as well good job!
— Luis Navarro
Nicely designed tank. Unfortunately sticking a couple of small short bunches of R. macrandra for the sake of adding color doesn't work well. And it doesn't do justice to the rest of the layout. Have confidence in your good design sense and don't try to over do it.
— Karen Randall
There is a great feeling of depth achieved with this particular layout. I am impressed that the plants are doing that well with the provided light.
— Ole Pedersen

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 150 × 50 × 62 cm
Title discus garden
Volume 400L
Background black paper
Lighting 3x36w aquarelle, 2x36 gro lux
Filtration 2, 1000 l/h each
Plants Microsorum pteropus,Microsorum pteropus windelov,Anubias barteri,Glossostigma elatinoides,Cryptocoryne lucens,Cabomba caroliana,Nymphea lotus zenkeri,Rotala macrandra
Animals 6 symphysodon discus,11 paracheirodon axelrodi, 6 hemigrammus rhodostomus, 3 mickrogeophagus ramirezi, 20 caridina japonica, 2 ancistrus sp
Materials sand, substrate, driftwood, stones
Additional Information ph 6.8, temp 27.5-28, NO3 5-10,PO4 0.25,Flourish,N,P,K,Fe

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