Dimensions 61 × 61 × 61 cm
Title Transition Verde
Volume 189L
Background none
Lighting 2x36 watt Power Compact
Filtration Fluval cannister filter
Plants Anubias spp., Microsorum spp.
Animals 30 Paracheirodon axelrodi (see photo for names), 10 Otocinclus sp. (names not given), 4 Crossocheilus siamensis (all named Fred), 2 Ancisctrus sp. (never out, so they have not been named)
Materials Bogwood, Seachem Flourite
Additional Information This paludarium utilize a clever planting where the Anubias to experience both summer dry spell and seasonal flooding by the addition or removal of water. I would have liked to enter it as South American Biotope aquarium, but heard on the Forum that the bogwood may be from the wrong area.
The plants are not from south america but if you replace the Microsorum pteropus for Bolbitis you have yourself an African biotope! find a new home for ocscar and the gang and add some african tetras instead.
Also after the plants get a hold of the driftwood remove the green ties.