Dimensions 91 × 38 × 51 cm
Title Sun and Shadow
Volume 174L
Background Krylon Fusion - Black (spray painted on glass)
Lighting Compact Fluorescent - 6700K. 10 hour photoperiod. 7 hours @ 96w; 3 hours @ 192w. (photo taken @ 96w)
Filtration Eheim ECCO 2235
Plants 1. Blyxa Japonica
2. Limnophila aromatica
3. Anubias barteri var. nana
4. Isoetes lacustris
5. Microsorum pteropus
6. Hydrocotyle verticillata
7. Pogostemon helferi
Animals 25 @ Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi)
2 @ Blue Rams (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi)
Materials One small piece of driftwood used to attach left java fern / anubias. Java and anubias to the right are fixed to small rocks.
Additional Information Tank is lightly fertilized - dosed 5ppm NO3 and .5ppm PO4 every other week. Iron dosed (Kent) occasionally. Tank is relatively low maintenance despite med-high lighting and CO2 injection. Fish are well fed. Substrate is 2.5 year-old Eco-complete. Lily-pipes (inflow/outflow) were custom made by a local glass specialist.