#43: 32L Aquatic Garden Walking Aoyama

Law Kai Chun Wong Tai Sin, Hong Kong


Your tank is just beautiful and your photography is outstanding! The plant complement your rock work very well!
— Luis Navarro
Nicely done. However I think that fewer larger stones could have been used to make a stronger layout. As it is the eye tend to drift around the layout with no clear resting place.
— Karen Randall
The entire world entrapped in 32 L of water. The Hemianthus is doing fantastic and the illusion of a mountain range is complete. However I would personally have used a somewhat finer substrate and also a little darker.
— Ole Pedersen

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 45 × 24 × 30 cm
Title Walking Aoyama
Volume 32L
Background Blue lighting
Lighting ADA NA LAMP 15W X 4
13:00-16:00, 18:00-21:00
Filtration Eheim 2224,
ADA Palm Net
Plants Hemianthus Callitrichoids "Cuba"
Animals Hemigrammus Rodwayi Var,
Siamensis algae eater,
Cherry Shrimp,
Tiger Shrimp,
Crystal Red Shrimp
Materials ADA Aqua Soil Amazonia,
Rocks only
Additional Information ADA Step 1, ADA Iron Bottom, ADA Brighty K,
Pressurised CO2 non stop 2 bubbles per second

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