#47: 38L Aquatic Garden Sunny grass land

Jordan Michael Reece Tucson, United States

Awards and Comments

Honorable Mention
Your composition is nice with strong well placed rockwork. Unfortunately the tank is past its prime. The foreground plants have become so dense and rooty that they are growing over each other. While longevity is to be valued there comes a time especially with carpeting plants that they need to be pulled up thinned out and restarted. The time has come for this tank.
— Karen Randall
Your iwagumi is nice as simple as it is. The plants unfortunately are over grown and the stems I personaly think they don't belong.
— Luis Navarro
Nice selection of fish plants and stones which gives a strong feeling of naturalness. The relative size of all the elements along with the superb composition are in perfect balance/proportion to the size and shape of the fish tank. A simple yet superbly done design that not only visually stunning to look at but also brings a sense of tranquility to the observer. A fish tank that one can enjoy and look at for a long time!
— George Lo

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 46 × 27 × 30 cm
Title Sunny grass land
Volume 38L
Background White canvas
Lighting 3 36 watt ADA PC bulbs 10 hours each day
Filtration Eheim ECO lilly pipe in and out
Plants Hair grass,HC,Glossostigma,Tenellus,Ludwigia acurata,Bylxa Japonica.
Animals Axelrodie greens, and wild greens
Materials Black granite rocks ADA Amazonia soil, Power sand Special
Additional Information Brighty K, ECA dosed each day CO2 beetle 30 3 bubbles per second.

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