Dimensions 122 × 46 × 56 cm
Title Kahuna's Revenge
Volume 295L
Background none
Lighting 54w T5 HO 10,000K and 54w T5 HO 6,700K
Filtration Eheim 2026 (950 l/h)
Plants Anubias barteri, Anubias barteri var. nana, Anubias barteri var. nana petite, Crinum calamistratum, Cryptocoryne crispatula var. Balansae, Marsilea minuta, Vesicularia fasciculata
Animals 40 Otocinclus vittatus
50 Caridina japonica
70 Paracheirodon simulans
8 Symphysodon spp.
Materials ADA Aquasoil substrate on top of ADA Powersand special with borders of ADA Bright Sand. Moss and Anubias planted on over 20" of driftwood scaffolding.
Additional Information Daily dosing: 12 drops ADA ECA, 1.3 ml ADA Green Brighty, 25ml solution of K2SO4 (equivilent to 2.5 ppm K). Pressurized CO2 injection to 35 ppm. 20% daily water change.
One comment only your fish are beautiful they just don't belong to your composition not the size or the species.
Just picture a shoal of African tetras and some Pelvicachromis instead and you may understad my point of view.
Very nice!