#78: 94L Aquatic Garden The secret cave under the Alpine Meadows

Liu, Gang Nanning, China


This is a very attractive layout. I'd like it even better without the Eleocharis vivipara. (this is not acicularis) This plant has a "messy" growth pattern and I've seen very few aquascapes that were improved by its presence.
— Karen Randall
The triangular layout is nice! too dark on the right section but Looking it fom the side I am wondering which is the front? The cave idea is much appreciated from the side view only.
The concept is good but confusing.
— Luis Navarro

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 60 × 35 × 45 cm
Title The secret cave under the Alpine Meadows
Volume 94L
Background Black
Lighting 136W FL
Filtration Atman EF-1 400L/H
Plants Ludwigia arcuata,
Rotala roturdifolia. sp,
Fantinalis antipyretica ,
Blyxa japonica,
Microsorium pteropus,
Eleocharis acicularis,
Echinodorus tenellus,
Didiplis indica
Animals Paracheirodon axelrodi x18,
Crossocheilus siamensis x2,
Otocinclus affinis x5,
Nannostomus beckfordi x3,
Red Cherry Shrimp x20
Materials Asian driftwood,
ADA Aqua Soil Amazonia

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