Dimensions 170 × 70 × 60 cm
Title Gourami Walhalla
Volume 650L
Background The tank is built in a wall between our living room and kitchen. You can see through the tank and it is fully visible from both sides.
Lighting 2 x T5 80W 830
2 x T5 80W 865
1 x T5 80W 840
Filtration There is a sump below the tank with a small filter compartiment, all technique is also hidden in this sump.
Plants 1. Ludwigia Inclinata var. Verticillata sp ‘Cuba’
2. Rotala Macrandra
3. Mayaca Fluviatilis Narrow
4. Rotala sp. Pink
5. Rotala sp. Green
6. Alternanthera Splendida
7. Glossostigma Elatinoides
8. Blyxa Novoguineensis
9. Eriocaulaceae sp ‘Type 2’
10. Didiplis Diandra
11. Tonina sp Belém
12. Rotala Macrandra sp Green
13. Pogostemon Stellatus 'broad leaf'
14. Rotala sp Nanjenshan
15. Ammannia Gracilis
16. Blyxa Vietii
17. Limnophila Aromatica
18. Hygrophila Balsamica
19. Hygrophila Polysperma 'Rosanervig'
20. Tonina Fluviatilis
21. Proserpinaca Palustris 'Cuba'
22. Polygonum sp 'Kawagoneum'
23. Potamogeton Gayi
24. Vesicularia sp 'Christmas'
25. Blyxa Japonica
26. Rotala Colorata
27. Riccia Fluitans
Animals 1. Sphaerichthys Osphromenoides (12)
2. Rasbora Heteromorpha (80)
3. Carnegiella Strigata (25)
4. Colisa Lalia (3)
5. Colisa Chuna (6)
6. Otocinclus Affinis (15)
7. Neocaridina Denticulata Sinensis var. Red (#)
Additional Information KH : 3.5
PH : 6.2
NO3 : 5-10
PO4 : 1-1.5
NO2 : 0
The whole tank is controlled by the Profilux Plus II