Dimensions 122 × 30 × 51 cm
Title Nothing special
Volume 208L
Background Black paper.
Lighting 230W total, 12 hours a day.
130W provided by two 65W 6,500K compact fluorescent bulbs.
100W provided by two 25W 4,100K fluorescent bulbs in Over-Driven Normal Output (ODNO) mode (assumes normal output is doubled).
Filtration Canister filter (Fluval 303).
Filtration media: 3 layers including 2 layers of ceramic rings pre- and post-foam filtration material.
Plants Hygrophila polysperma
Hygrophila difformis
Rotala rotundifolia
Anubias barteri
Aponogeton capuronii
Myriophilum simulans
One unknown
Various Cryptocorynes
Many, many different algae
Animals 2 diamond tetras
1 catfish
7 kribs
Materials Substrate: Flourite and matured potting soil. This used to be layered but is not anymore (I do not recommend this approach).
Two pieces of driftwood.
Additional Information Fertilization using Estimative Index method: 1/6 teaspoon potassium nitrate and 1/8 teaspoon Plantex CSM + Boron every other day; 1/8 teaspoon monopotassium phosphate and 1/4 teaspoon potassium sulfate every other other day; one day of rest a week.
CO2 injection: approx. 2 to 3 bubbles per second during light hours only.
Water Change: 50% to 60% once a week.
One internal recirculation powerhead opposite of filter intake.
Tap water only.
Water quality: not monitored, but water is hard to very hard, CO2 depresses pH to approx. 6.0 to 6.5.