#47: 66L Aquatic Garden Totem poles of peace Ver. 1

Yau Che Kiu Chai Wan, China


An interesting idea but I like an aquascape to stand on its own not be dependent on a photo suspended behind it. Your hardscape is interesting but the groundcover on the right needs to fill in and the Pogostemon helferi looks a little lost.
— Karen Randall
A bold attempt with the backgrounds but I don't think it worked in your favor. A bit of play with the elevations would have helped on your totem pole theme.
— Tony Gomez

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 60 × 33 × 33 cm
Title Totem poles of peace Ver. 1
Volume 66L
Background Back-lit film with digital printing
Lighting 150W metal halide lamp x1, 8 hours per day
Filtration 450 L/h external filter
Plants Hemianthus callitrichoides "Cuba", Pogostemon helferi, Eleocharis "parvula" sp., Glossostigma elatinoides, Riccardia chamedryfolia
Animals Paracheiroden axelrodi, Crossocheilus siamensis, Otocinclus affinis, Cardina cf. serrata, Neocaridina denticulata red var
Materials Tourmaline BC, clear super, Bacter 100, Power sand special S, Aqua soil-Amazonia powder, River rock, driftwood
Additional Information pressurized CO2, 3-4 bubbles per second. Fertilization with Green Brighty Special Light, Brighty K, ECA, TMG, Flourish trace. 30% water change weekly, DIY fans for cooling down the water.

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