Dimensions 100 × 40 × 50 cm
Title Wonderland
Volume 180L
Background White wall behind the tank or black carton
Lighting 4x T5 39W tubes
Filtration Eheim 2213 + Tetra EX700
Plants Rotala rotundifolia (R.indica),Rotala wallichii, Rotala sp. "Nanjenshan", Rotala sp. "Vietnam", Hygrophila polysperma 'Rosanevig', Hygrophila corymbosa "Compacta", Cryptocoryne wendtii "green", Cryptocoryne wendtii "brown", Limnophila aquatica (Ambulia), Myriophyllum tuberculatum (red), Microsorum pteropus, Microsorum 'narrow', Microsorum pteropus 'Windeløv', Micranthemum umbrosum, Vesicularia dubyana
Animals Mikrogeophagus ramirezi, Hyphessobrycon bentosi bentosi, Otocinclus affinis, Caridina japonica
Materials Substrate: 1-3 cm of clay mixed with humus + 5-12 cm of Plant substrate - Floran, decoration: driftwood + pebles.
Additional Information Fertlilzation: whole series of Planta Gainer Pro: micro, ferro+, macro; pressurized CO2.