#7: 243L Aquatic Garden White Jade Mountain

Eric Cheng Hong Kong, China


Very nice rock work and planting layout. It's too bad that at the time the photo was taken there were so many little stems sticking straight up. Try to give yourself time to take photos at MANY points in the tank's development so you can choose the very best presentation for a contest.
— Karen Randall
I wish I could have seen this in a larger image. The bold upfront hardscape contrasted against the delicate background is very appealing to me. However the Repens and Lobella feel really out of place. I would have liked to seen the back left stems to be peaking out behind the "mountains" rather than shadow them.
— Tony Gomez

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 120 × 45 × 45 cm
Title White Jade Mountain
Volume 243L
Lighting ADA Solar I hqi 150w x 2 (10hr)
Filtration Tetra EX-120 x 1
Plants 1.Utricularia graminifolia
2.Lobella cardinalls''
3.Rotala rotundifolia "green"
4.Hemianthus micranthemoides
5.Polygonum sp'
6.Ludwigia brevipes
7.Bacopa sp. "pink
8. Ludwigia arcuata
9. Rotala Macrandra "var"
10.Brazil mifoil
11.Hygrophila polysperma var
12.Ludwigia repens
13.Juncus repens
14.Rotala rotondifolia
15.Crypocoryne becketii
16.Eusterlis stetellaa.
17.Bolbitis heudelotii
18.Vesicularia ferriei
19.Willow moss
20.Vesicularia reticulata
21.Taxiphyllum sp.
22.Riccardia chamedryfolia
23.Fissidens japonicus
Animals 1. Hyphessobrycon amandae
2. Hyphessobrycon callistus callistus
3. Otocinclus vestitus
4. Crossocheilus siamensis
5. Pseudotocinclus sp
Materials 1.ADA Bacter 100
2.ADA Tourmaline F
3.ADA Penac W
4.ADA power sand
5.ADA Bright Sand
6.ADA aqua soil amazoma 9L

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