#124: 20L Aquatic Garden Tekisui (Goccia d'acqua)

Pier Francesco Caradonna Genova, Italy


You have grown a lovely bed of HC. I wish you had been able to find a little more interesting rock to work with.
— Karen Randall
A nice start for the healthy growth in this tank. To soften the hardscape adding a plant behind the largest rock would improve the aquascape.
— Bailin Shaw
Interesting rocks. The sloping of the substrate creates nice depth.

The main rock is a little thin and weak.
— Jason Baliban

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 38 × 24 × 26 cm
Title Tekisui (Goccia d'acqua)
Volume 20L
Lighting 2 x 11w PL (6500 K)
Filtration Hang on filter
Plants Hemianthus Callitrichoides
Animals A couple of Microrasbora Galaxy, 5 Neocaridina Heteropoda var. "Red Cherry"
Materials Lava rocks
Additional Information CO2 Askoll system

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