Dimensions 150 × 50 × 60 cm
Title Wild, wild east
Volume 450L
Background Black poster
Lighting Neon tubes - 72w/12 hours long - 180w/7 hours long
Filtration EHEIM pro II 2026 + internal filter
Plants 1 Microsorum pteropus "needle leaves" - 2 Anubia barteri var. nana - 3 Bolbitis heudelottii - 4 Cryptocoryne parva - 5 Ceratopteris thalictroides - 6 Microsorum pteropus "narrow leaves" - 7 Erect moss - 8 Weeping moss - 9 Flame moss - 10 Nymphea glandulifera - 11 Plagiomnium affine
Animals Pterophyllum scalare (x5) - Phenacogrammus interruptus (x7) - Hemigrammus bleheri (x22) - Papiliochromis ramirezi (x2) - Caridina multidentata (x8) - Otocinclus affinis (x5)
Materials Ohko stone - "Asia" driftwood - Loire sand
If anything maybe the fern in the middle section is a little strong.