#183: 45L Aquatic Garden Small IWMI

Flavio Henard Jorge de Freitas rio de janeiro, Brazil


Your plants are nicely mature but the rounded stones look out of place.
— Karen Randall
The rocks need to be offset with the large ones in the back and split into two groups. This will help add depth in the tank. Nice healthy glosso!
— Bailin Shaw
The layout is too symmetrical. The large strong rock in the middle divides the layout into two halves.
— Jason Baliban

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 75 × 20 × 30 cm
Title Small IWMI
Volume 45L
Lighting Two white lamps with 26 watts each and 6400 K.10 hours of daylight
Filtration hang on a filter with a maximum capacity of 378 liters per hour.
Plants Glossostigma elatinoides, Echinodorus tenellus and Eleocharis minima
Animals Paracheirodon axelrodi (20), Otocinlus sp (2), Otocinclus cf Affinis (1), Macrobachium lar. (4) and Pomacea bridgesi
Materials Rocks
Additional Information Use: blanket, sand pool filter layer as inert, CO ² with DIY and trade biweekly TPA weekly 30% of the tank.

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