#190: 300L Aquatic Garden hold city

gary jose chagas Ponta Grossa, Brazil


Nice healthy tank but your Glossostigma needs to fill in more. Also the background planting is a bit too symmetrical.
— Karen Randall
I like the simplistic approach. I think the two mounds may be a little similar.
— Jason Baliban
The tank is almost there. A little more contrast in the two mounds would really make the tank stand out more.
— Bailin Shaw

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 120 × 50 × 50 cm
Title hold city
Volume 300L
Lighting 4x 40w florescente 6400k 1 x 54w T5
Filtration 2 Ehein 2236
Plants Eleocharis minima, Eleocharis vivipara,Glossostigma elatinoide, Weeping moss, Sagitária sp.
Animals 50 Hemigramus bleheri,15 otocinclus sp
Materials Prodac Fertil Plant,areia de rio e rochas decorativa
Additional Information troca parcial 50 litros por semana com adicao de fertilizante liquido tropica fertil plant+

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