Dimensions 90 × 45 × 45 cm
Title Forward Motion
Volume 182L
Lighting 3x24w T5s 8 hours per day.
Filtration Tetratec EX1200.
Plants Eleocharis parvula, Microsorum pteropus 'Narrow', Cyperus helferi, Taxiphyllum barbieri (Vesicularia), Anubias barteri var. nana, Cryptocoryne wendtii,Cryptocoryne parva, Marsilea hirsuta.
Animals White cloud mountain minnows.
Materials Locally collected driftwood.
Additional Information This is a lowlight unheated tank grown out over approximatly 6 months. EI method was used for fertilisation and CO2 injected at 1BPS. Substrate was a mix of ADA aquasoil and gravel.
I think the wood with the moss could be removed in this case.