#216: 26L Aquatic Garden Fluxo na floresta

Marco Aurélio de Souza Doim Ponta Grossa, Brazil

Awards and Comments

Honorable Mention
This is one of the most beautiful small aquariums I've ever seen. The use of Utricularia gibba adds a pleasing softness to the aquascape.
— Phil Edwards
Your plants are in tip-top health and the tank is sparkling clean. However the mid-ground area in your tank needs work. there is very little definition and large amount of Utricularia obscures the hardscape I think is hiding there.
— Karen Randall
Interesting use of Utricularia. The growth of the plant appears healthy. The aquascape would be better offset instead of centered in the tank and the tank needs to pruned to bring out the other plants.
— Bailin Shaw
Love the use of utricularia. The colors and textures are very interesting. I find myself spending a good amount of time looking at the different parts of this layout.

The pruning creates "mounds" that are a little unatural looking to me.
— Jason Baliban

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 35 × 30 × 25 cm
Title Fluxo na floresta
Volume 26L
Lighting 4pl x 24 w 6400k.
Filtration Tetra Whisper 10
Plants 1-Micranthemum umbrosum, 2-Glossostigma elatinoide,3- Sagitária subulata, 4-Mayaca sp 5-Utricularia gibba, 6-Rotala wallichii,7-Marselia hirsuta,8-Vesicularia sp”londrina’s moss”,9- Rotala sp”Ceylon”,
10-Blyxa japonica, 11-Anubias barteri var. nana
Animals 5 Nannostomus mortenthaleri, 1 Otocinclus affinis e 3 Neocaridina sp
Materials Substrato: Amazonia MBREDA, troncos e pedras
Additional Information troca parcial 7 litros por semana e adicao de fetilizante liquido MBREDA micro,macro e ferro

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