#35: 376L Aquatic Garden Towering Peaks

Chow Wai Sun Hong Kong, China

Awards and Comments

Third Place
I can clearly see the verdant mountains in summer. The rockwork draws my eye is drawn slightly too near center which lessens the visual tension of the composition. Still this is one of the prettiest mountainscapes this year.
— Phil Edwards
Masterful execution of the mountain scapes that are growing in popularity. The rocks are beautiful in their own right. The textures are gorgeous. Very nice layout.

The left side peak is a little weak in comparison to the right.
— Jason Baliban
Absolutely stunning! I wouldn't change a thing!!!
— Karen Randall
The use of rockwork in this tank was expertly done! Excellent work on blending in the rocks using the Rotala and Hydrocotyl. Very nice aquascape.
— Bailin Shaw

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 152 × 45 × 55 cm
Title Towering Peaks
Volume 376L
Lighting Metal Halide 150 Watt X 2( 4hrs daily ),
T5HO 24 Watt X 4( 8hrs daily )
Filtration Canister Filter ( 1200L/hr ) X 2
Biological Ceramic Rings, Filter Foams
Plants Glossostigma elatinoides, Hydrocotyle maritima,
Limnophila sp. (Vietnam), Rotala verticillaris, Fissidens fontanus,
Fontinalis hypnoides
Animals Paracheirodon simulans, Otocinclus sp., Crossocheilus siamensis,
Caridina sp.
Additional Information Easylife Easycarbo, Easylife Profito, Easylife Ferro

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