#48: 350L Aquatic Garden Green Paradise

Luigi Rossi Piedimonte Matese, Italy


Very nice sloping design. I particularly like your use of the brown leafed E. latifolius for contrasting color. Your rockwork could be stronger both in terms of placement and in choice of color and texture.
— Karen Randall
Nice healthy looking tank. Use more of the balansea to fill out the left corner and slope the planting from left to right. The plantings seem too horizontal in nature.
— Bailin Shaw

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 150 × 50 × 50 cm
Title Green Paradise
Volume 350L
Lighting 5x36W t8
Filtration fluval 400
Plants Utricularia graminifolia, pogostemon helferi, cryptocoryne balance, echinodorus latifolius, aponogeton crispus,
Animals nematobrycon palmeri
Materials Substrate: Allophane soil and humus, rocks:
collected in nature.

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