#76: 50L Aquatic Garden Spring Brook

Sergey Svetlichniy Kharkow, Ukraine


I really enjoy this layout. I love the path to the back of the tank. The placement of the wood and pebbles is very thoughtful and natural.

The main rock might be a little strong.
— Jason Baliban
The more times I've looked at this tank the more I've liked it. There is a lot going on in a small space. I love the carefully crafted trail leading under the looming cliff face. Really nice job.
— Karen Randall
This is an attractive setup that's clearly a good home for your fish; they're gorgeous.
— Phil Edwards
Nice tank! The moss covered rocks is nicely done in the tank. Focus your tank around a fewer tanks and allow the other plants to mature and this tank will be very impressive.
— Bailin Shaw

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 38 × 38 × 38 cm
Title Spring Brook
Volume 50L
Background white plastic card
Lighting 70W metal halide lamp, 8hours per day
Filtration external
Plants Bolbitis heudelotti; Vallisneria var. nana; Microsorium pteropus var. Narrow; Anubias barteri var. nana; Vesicularia dubyana; Ranunculus Inundatus; fisidens fontanus
Animals Tanichthys albonubes; Nannobrycon eques; neocaridina
Materials Decorative Materials: white sand; pebble-stone; Stones from the Crimean mountains; roots of willow.

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