Dimensions 120 × 60 × 50 cm
Title Home of angels
Volume 360L
Background Plastic diffuser and wall, no backlight.
Lighting 6x54W T5 8h/day
Filtration 2x Eheim 2078 Pro3e
Plants (1) Bolbitis heudelotii,
(2) Microsorum pteropus 'Trident',
(3) Cryptocoryne parva,
(4) Hemianthum tenellum,
(5) Anubias barteri var. nana 'Petite',
(6) Sagittaria Subulata.
Animals Pterophyllum scalare,
Hemigrammus bleheri,
Otocunclus sp.,
Corydoras julii.
Materials Swedish rocks and sand. Redmoor wood.