#354: 376L Aquatic Garden Dragon.Dance

Cheung Wai Shan Susanna Hong Kong, China


This is definitely one of the more unique rock arrangements in this year's content but the use of different types of rock doesn't appeal to me.
— Kris Weinhold

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 152 × 45 × 55 cm
Title Dragon.Dance
Volume 376L
Lighting T5HO 24 Watt x 8 (10hrs daily), MH 150 Watt x 2 (4hrs daily)
Filtration Canister Filter (1200L/hr) X 2
Biological Ceramic Rings, Filter Foams
Plants Vesicularia ferriei
Vesicularia dubyana
Riccia fluitans
Animals Paracheirodon axelrodi
Otocinclus sp.
Additional Information ADA Amazonia, Power Sand Special, Penac W,
Clear Super, Bacter100

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