Dimensions 60 × 30 × 36 cm
Title Secluded island
Volume 61L
Background Oyama black bankground
Lighting Aquazonic t5ho 24w 12000k. Peaks in red and blue spectrum.
Filtration Aquaclear 50 power filter
Plants Water sprite, flame moss, anubias nana petite, anubias nana, wendtii cryptocoryne, java fern, lace java fern.
Animals 10 ember tetra
8 white cloud mountain minnows
40~ Red Cherry Shrimp and shrimplets
1 otocinclus (Proved to be well without a school)
3 horned nerite
Materials Soft aquarium driftwood, rocks, grey, black gravel, white 2mm gravel.
Additional Information Seachem phosphorus, excel, flourish, equilibrium
JBL 7 + 13 balls