#10: 18L Aquatic Garden Hello old Quercus

Andreas Ruppert Frechen, Germany


Love the "vines" hanging from this tree scape. Nicely done! However I find the "leaves" on the top of the tree a bit overpowering.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 25 × 25 × 30 cm
Title Hello old Quercus
Volume 18L
Lighting 2x11W 5400K
Filtration External Filter 360l/h
Plants Anubias nana "Bonsai"
Bolbitis heteroclita "Difformis"
Bucephalandra cf. motleyana "Melawi"
Bucephalandra cf. motleyana "Sekadau"
Cryptocorine parva
Elatine triandra
Fissidens fontanus
Hydrocotyle tripartita "Japan"
Riccardia spec.
Rotala indica
Rotala mexicana 'Goias'
Solenostoma tetragonum "Gunung Sumpit"
Vesicularia dubyana
Animals Neocaridina cf. zhangjiajiensis "White Pearl"
Brachygobius xanthomelas
Materials Substrate: Flora Base Combo, ADA Congo SS
Hardscape: Serpentino-Stone, Driftwood
Additional Information Fertilization: Pressurised CO2, Aqua Rebell Makro Basic NPK, Aqua Rebell Micro Basic Eisenvolldünger, Aqua Rebell Makro Spezial N

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