#219: 160L Aquatic Garden Mi plantado favorito

Alvaro Gonzalez Muñoz quilpue, Chile


A rich tapestry of color! Just try to break up that central block of green into more graceful shapes. Of course we know it will be a chore to keep all these stems at the right height but you seem to have a knack for it!
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 100 × 40 × 40 cm
Title Mi plantado favorito
Volume 160L
Background Vinilo negro
Lighting Consiste en 4 tubos pll de 36 watts 840 philips y 2 tubos T8 aquarelle philips de 30 watts
Filtration filtro externo sunsun 403b (UV incluido)
Plants heteranthera zosterifolia
ludwigia repens
ludwigia arcuata
helecho java crespo
gloglossostigma elatinoides
didiplis diandra
pogostemon helferi
pogostemon erectus
anubia barteri nana
helecho sumatra
blixa japonica
hemianthus micranthemoides
rotala rotundifolia
rotala macandra narrow leaf
alternanthera reineckii
Animals 18 rasbora heteromorpha
Materials Sustrato compuesto de humus, turba, arcilla, y material inerte, sellado con arena de filtro de piscina
Las rocas son volcanicas traidas del sur de chile
Additional Information Abonado semanal con seachem flourish, iron, trace y nitrogen

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