Dimensions 90 × 45 × 45 cm
Title Windbreaks
Volume 181L
Background white background with back light.
Lighting 150W 6000K
Filtration Eheim 2324 and flow pump 900L/h.
Plants 1. - vesicularia sp.,
2. - Riccia sp.,
3. - HC,
4. - lilaeopis sp. new zealand,
5. - lilaeopsis brasiliensis,
6. - eleocharis sp,
7. - elatine hydropiper.
Animals Microrasbora galaxy - 30, corydoras pygmaeus - 15, otoccinclus affinis - 5, neocaridina sp. - 50, caridina japonica - 5.
Materials Lacal driftwood, dragon and local stones, inert gravel, akadama.
Additional Information Fertilizers VIMI line - ALL IN ONE 10 push per day, Accelerator 5 push per day, and VIMI bottom capsules Action and Longlasting 3-4 pcs. every month.
Water change 30-50% weekly.