#265: 332L Aquatic Garden 秋意

lao chan fei macau, Macau

Awards and Comments

Second Place
This is a very beautiful layout with different kind of elements compose together harmony. Good Job!
— Dave Chow
The perspective lines at the right side are well done but the path with its perfect curves looks artificial. The mosses in the left trees look not so well.
Keep pushing!
— Luca Galarraga

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 110 × 55 × 55 cm
Title 秋意
Volume 332L
Lighting T8X6
Filtration eheim 2217 兩個
Plants 1. 矮珍珠 Golssostigma elatinoides
2. 南美三角莫絲 Vesicularia antipyretica
3. 迷你水榕Anubias barteri var. nana 'Petite'
4. 火焰莫絲 Vesicularia sp
5. 針葉皇冠 Echinodorus tenellus
6. 迷你牛毛氈 Elecharis parvula
7. 湯匙萍 Marsilea hirsuta
Animals 1.櫻桃蝦 Red Cherry Shrimp
2. Amano Shrimp 大和藻蝦
3. Neon Tetra新燈
Materials 生石和枝條樹

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