#3: 100L Aquatic Garden THE "Painting"

arandjelovic milos nis, Serbia


The twisted together hairgrass arches don't work for me.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 70 × 35 × 40 cm
Title THE "Painting"
Volume 100L
Background no
Lighting aquamedic complet 1x 150w MH + 2xPL 11w
Filtration EHEIM 2227
Plants eloharis sp. mini,eloharis palustris,HC,hidrocotile sp.japan,alternanthera mini,cyperus helferi,fisidens f.,hidrocotile verticulata,cryptocorine pink,HM,Rotala rotundifolia.
Animals Paracheirodon axelrodi 40 kom
Materials ADA aquasoil 9+3L,mangro root,lokal stone.

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