Dimensions 45 × 36 × 31 cm
Title Hiking tour
Volume 50L
Lighting Overall 36W with 6500K
Filtration Dennerle external Filter 360l/h
Plants Hemianthus callitrichoides "Cuba", Rotala mexicana 'Goias', Vesicularia ferriei, Riccardia spec., Eliocharis parvula, Bucephalandra motleyana 'Sekadau', Cryptocorine parva, Fissidens fontanus
Animals Corydoras pygmeaus, Caridina simoni simoni, Clithon spec.
Materials Substrate: Dennerle Gravel, Dennerle Deponit Mix, ADA Nile Sand
Hardscape: Seiryu stone, Driftwood
Additional Information Fertilization: Pressurised CO2, Dennerle NPK Booster, Dennerle Scapers Green
One negative point is the image reflected on the surface. The whole impression would be increased if the surface would be broken up...
Good job!