#365: 104L Aquatic Garden Reborn River

Muhamad Yudi Irawan Depok, Indonesia


Strong layout with balanced driftwood work.
The stem plants at the background (Rotala green) could be more dense perhaps Vallisneria nana would be a better option...
Good job!
— Luca Galarraga
Has a nature feel even with the pathway.
— Mike Senske

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 85 × 35 × 35 cm
Title Reborn River
Volume 104L
Background non
Lighting 2x40w,2x36w bulb
Filtration canister jebo 829
Plants Anubias nana,Eleocharis
sp.'mini',Bolbitis heudelotii,Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus),Fissiden us,Microsorum
pteropus 'Narrow',Monosolenium tenerum (Pellia),Hydrocotyle tripartita ,Rotala
sp.''green'',Buchepalandras,Sagittaria subulata,Java Moss (Taxiphyllum barbieri), Vesicularis dubyana 'Christmas'
Animals Caridina Multidentata(Amano Shrimp),Red Cherry Shrimp,Otocinclus Affinis,Horned Nerita Snail/Spiky Snail,Rasbora Hengeli,Lemon Tetra
Materials Malang sand,ADA Amazonia II,Silica sand,Serpentine stone,Local driftwood
Additional Information CO2 pressurized 2 bps,temperature 27-29 degree celcius with 12 cm AC fan

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