#509: 63L Aquatic Garden Awakening Mountain

ERHOLD Jonathan Hindisheim, France


Very pleasant aquarium. An Iwagumi style with a variety of flora making it balanced and natural.
The use of shades is also excellent!
The only shame is the lack of a nice shoal in the final shot ...
— Luca Galarraga

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 60 × 30 × 36 cm
Title Awakening Mountain
Volume 63L
Background Transparent film.
Lighting Led ADA aquasky 602 10h/day
Filtration JBL E700
Plants Hemianthus callitrichoides cuba
Elatine hydropiper
Eleocharis sp mini
Christmass moss
Fissidens fontanus
Riccardia chamedryfolia
Ammania sp bonzai
Rotala indica
Rotala rotundifolia
Rotala sp green
Ludwigia arcuata
Animals Microrasbora galaxy, Microrasbora brigittae, Sakura, Clithon corona
Materials Power sand, Aquasoil new amazonia, Aquasoil powder, river sand and local stone
Additional Information ADA Brighty-K, Brighty STEP-1, ECA
Change Water 1/3 weekly.
The tank is 3 months old when I take the photo.

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