Dimensions 120 × 55 × 50 cm
Title Reached the twilight
Volume 330L
Lighting boyu Lighting 4x 55w pl 6500k
Filtration 2 Canister filter interconected first chemical and mechanical and other biological
Plants Eleocharis vivípara. Staurogyne sp., Rotala sp “green”, Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Mi Oya' ,Lobelia cardinalis “small form”, Myriophyllum mato-grossense, Hygrophila polysperma,Echinodorus tenellus (amano), Taxiphyllum Barbieri, Myriophyllum matogrossense (amano).
Animals 47 Paracheirodon simulans, 13 Otocinclus affinis, 27 Hyphessobrycon sp.
Materials Substrate Amazonia MBreda, Rocks and river sand