#600: 18L Aquatic Garden secret of water

Maciej Strzalko Mittelbronn, Germany

Awards and Comments

Top Ten
WOW!!! Tremendous depth and complexity. Fantastic job in such a small tank!
— Karen Randall
This tiny waterfall shows original thinking. Clever and detailed the overall skill is very good! Good job!
— Dave Chow

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 25 × 25 × 30 cm
Title secret of water
Volume 18L
Background transparent film or transparent blue alternately
Lighting 21 watt Dennerle
Filtration eheim backpack filter
Plants Heminathus callitrichoides Cuba,
Riccia mini draf
Riccardia chamedryfolia
Taxiphyllum weeping
Lomariopsis lineata
Aegagropila linnaei
Animals 7 x rasbora brigite

7x neocardina cantonensis ss grad
Materials Glimmer Rock, black gravel,
White sand

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