#8: 172L Aquatic Garden Val d'Arán (Pyrenean valley)

Juan Puchades Rufino Valencia, Spain

Awards and Comments

Top Ten
Nicely done mountain scape.
— Karen Randall
The rock arrangement and planting composition is perfect in this layout! Especially some of the rock are so beautiful and also the sand path arrangement is good!
— Dave Chow
Excellent use of space with a very natural feeling. The images reflected in both side glasses could be improved.
Good job!
— Luca Galarraga

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 90 × 45 × 45 cm
Title Val d'Arán (Pyrenean valley)
Volume 172L
Background -
Lighting T5HO 39w 6500k x6
Filtration Super Jet Filter ES-600 Series EX2
Plants Hemianthus callitrichoides, eleocharis sp. mini, glossostigma elatinoides, marsilea hirsuta, hidrocotyle sp. Jpan, ammania sp. Bonsai, riccardia chamedryfolia, vesicularia ferriei, vesicuaria dubyana.
Animals rasbora axelrodi blue (25), crossocheilus siamensis (5), otocynclus affinis (2)
invertebrates: caridina japonica, cbs
Materials seryu stones, ada quasoil amazonia, power sand special M, congo sand, mekong sand
Additional Information brighty K, STEP 2, green gain, green bacter, phyton gyt, be clear do aqua.

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