Dimensions 168 × 60 × 70 cm
Volume 705L
Lighting 4 X T8 58 W en 4 X T5 80 W
Filtration potfilters , 3500 L / h
Plants 1: Myriophyllum Propinquum
2: Bacopa caroliniana
3:Hygrophyla corymbosa stricta 4:Rotala sp green
4:Rotala sp. green
5:Nymphea lotus red
6:Didiplis diandra
7:Lindernia rotundifolia variegated
8:Lagenandra meeboldi
9:Staurogyne repens
10:Lobelia cardinalis mini
11:Najas sp. From roraima
13:Hydrocotyle tripartita
14: Syngonanthus Belem
15: Blyxa novoguineensis
16: Bolbitis heudelotii
17:Vesicularia dubyana
Animals 15 Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma
25 Corydora sterbai
10 Nannostomus marginatus
20 Danio margaritatus
2 Colisa chuna
8 Sphaerichthys osphromenoides
Contrasts are there in almost every way; colours height and leaf structures.
On the right I would have liked a bit more contrast in the many green species of plants there. On the left the lotus is powerful. maybe even a bit too powerful.