#136: 288L Aquatic Garden God Forest

Agussalim Jamaluddin Makassar, Indonesia

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 120 × 60 × 40 cm
Title God Forest
Volume 288L
Background White Paper
Lighting 6*39 Watt T5 Aquazonic
Filtration 2 x Atman 3338 1200l/h
Plants Micranthemum Monte Carlo
Micranthemum Umbrosum Cuba
Echinoderus Tenellus
Dwarf Hairgrass
Vasicularia ferriei Weeping
Vesicularia sp “Mini Chrismas Moss”
Fissiden Fontanus
Ricardia Moss
Rotala sp. Banladesh
Hygrophila Difformis
Animals Rummy Nose Tetra,
Brushmooth Black,
Brushmooth Albino,
Microrasbora sp. Galaxy,
killer Snail,
neocaridinae shrimp,
Sulawesi shrimp
Materials Santigi Wood, Seriyu Stone
Additional Information My idea was making something original and extreme which is putting huge stones at the top of heavy woods. A skill was needed to make it standing perfectly and balance it. Other than that I’ve followed the basic rules of photography like “Point of Interest”, Golden Ratio”, and “Depth”. This creation is a perfect habitat for fish where the schooling fish could go around the trees and hide in the smaller trees. Layout detail makes this aquarium looks so deep and wide. I hope this creation of mine will get good scores from the judges and become someone to look up for other aquascapers in Indonesia.

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