#284: 47L Aquatic Garden 水漾森林

蕭旭宏 Pingtung, Taiwan

Awards and Comments

Top Ten
Very interesting layout. Well done and meticulously detailed. Just one piece of advice: If both sides were better worked with plants the layout would be much more interesting because the attention would be the focused in the center. But anyway congratulations for the new proposal. I liked it.
— André Longarco
Very impressive layout.... Love the lake. Well done!
— Kam Wong

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 45 × 35 × 30 cm
Title 水漾森林
Volume 47L
Background 枯木、後山加上倒影的湖面皆是此水景的主要角色,交織融合後可說湖天一色,綠蓮燈的點綴,有如悠游其中的森林精靈
Lighting t8 80w
Filtration 360l/h
Plants Riccardia chamedryfolia
Vesicularia antipyretica
Cratoneuron filicinum
Hemianthus callitrichoides ''cuba''
Phyllanthus urinaria Linn
Rotala indica
Bacopa monnieri
Rotala rotundifoliavar. Gontin
Animals Paracheirodon simulans
Neocaridina denticulata
Materials 黑土 溪石 樹木

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