Dimensions 60 × 30 × 25 cm
Title Gunga's Cliff
Volume 45L
Lighting Maxspect Razor 160w
Filtration Eheim 2213
Plants Ammania sp. Bonsai; Bucephalandra sp. Mini Coin; Eleocharis minima; Eleocharis sp. Japan; Fissidens fontanus; Hemianthus callitrichoides Cuba; Hydrocotyle tripartita Mini; Hygrophila pinnatifida; Limnophila sp. Vietnam; Marsilea angustifolia; Micranthemum sp. Monte Carlo; Rotala indica; Rotala rotundifolia; Rotala sp. Goiás; Rotala sp. Francisco; Rotala sp. Nanajenshan; Rotala sp. Pink; Taxyphillum sp. Flame Moss.
Animals Paracheirodon simulans; Tucanoichthys tucano.
Materials Substrate Amazônia MBreda; ADA La Plata Sand; Collected rocks.
Additional Information I was inspired by the colorful cliffs of a small beach in Brazil called "Gunga". This was not an exact reproduction of the landscape, but I use it as a point from which I could create an underwater atmosphere. My main concern was to have something that was harmonious and impactful at the same time. It was a fight the whole time because I used rocks that, although beautiful, shift negatively water parameters. But I'm happy with the final result.