Dimensions 120 × 50 × 40 cm
Title The arrival of the sunset in the "Río Pancho Poza", Altotonga, Veracruz, México
Volume 240L
Background Acrylic of blue color to simulate the tone of water that exists naturally by the dissolved minerals.
Lighting Home Led Lamp
Filtration 600 l / h cascade filter and one power head of 400 l / h with additional filter and to generate current.
Plants Stuckenia pectinata (L.) Börner, Ruppia maritima L., Nasturtium officinale, Eleocharis parvula, native mosses and algae
Animals Xiphophorus variatus (wild), Heterandria bimaculata, Unidentified frog tadpoles, Unidentified native aquatic snails
Materials Substrate, rocks, wood, plants, and dead leaves of the recreated river, have been collected without generating a significant impact and with the authorization of those responsible for the reserve.
Additional Information This aquarium intends to show an aquatic postcard of the river Pancho Poza, that is in an ecological reserve of the same name. Some local citizens (Altotonga, Veracruz) intend to value their river, which is habitat of a population of Xiphophorus variatus with a unique morphology, with abundant vegetation and a water color in a deep blue by the dissolved minerals. The Pancho Poza River is located within fog forest, which is the most diverse ecosystem of Mexico, although it covers less than 1% of the national territory; Is highly threatened worldwide and disappearing faster than any other tropical forest. In Mexico more than 50% of this forest has already been transformed into crops or urban settlements. For recreation, diving was carried out to capture in photography and video the essential components, which are 3 portions: a margin with abundant vegetation composed by Ruppia and Stuckenia that form manchones inside the river, in the middle of the river the current is strong and leaves And the stream leaves the organic material that falls into the water (dead leaves, branches, etc.) while at the same time you can find another margin with large rocks covered with submerged mosses and algae ; On the banks is very abundant the vegetation with Eleocharis, Nasturtium officinale and pastures.In the following link you can see a water video of the river recreated: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwtG0usOjEI&t=3s
In the following link a video of the aquarium: https://youtu.be/OEAzInhASZY