Dimensions 120 × 80 × 55 cm
Title L'arize at Rieux-Volvestre South West France
Volume 350L
Background No back ground
Lighting One t8 neon light of 18 watts
Two LEDs néon Sera daylight sunrise 520 16 watts each
Filtration DIY filter with white foam and Eheim water pump of 600L/h
Plants Polygonum hydropiper
Cyperus eragrostis
Potamogeton nodrosus
Animals 12 Alburnus alburnus
2 Gobio gobio
4 Barbatula barbatula
10 Unio crassus
Materials Round river stones of all sizes
Spider wood
River sand
Additional Information The volume and dimensions I gave for the tank is not really correct as it is a five side and filled to a bit less than half.
(Also this tank was quite scratched When i got it and I really feel bad about that.)
In this biotope I tried to represent a little part of the bank of a river called L'arize which flows in the South West of France from the Pyrenees mountains into the provinces of L'Ariege and La Haute Garonne, the locality I chose is an old town called Rieux-Volvestre, very beautiful and peaceful, the Roman Catholic Church built on the river in 1317 is a must see.
All stones sand plants and animals where taken carefully for the biotope contest at a small sandy beach situated after a little dam, there the young fish are by thousands and quite easy to catch, the water flow is not fast but not slow, temperature in the end of summer was 25C°, Ph 7.5 and Kh 8.