Dimensions 57 × 30 × 36 cm
Title Backwater in the rainforest in the lower Ogun River in Nigeria
Volume 60L
Background stone imitation background
Lighting T8 15W
Filtration Dennerle Nano CornerFilter XL
Plants Anubias barteri var. nana, Bolbitis heudelotii, Nymphaea micrantha
Animals Chromaphyosemion bitaeniatum 10, Pantodon buchholzi 2, Pelvicachromis pulcher 2
Materials small river pebbles, stones, pine roots
Additional Information Ogun River empties into the Gulf of Guinea to the south-west from Nigeria. In the area of tropical rain forests, as we move towards the mouth, it absorbs forest streams and channels, forms a secluded backwaters, home to many species of fish. Seasonal flooding during the summer rains softens the water of the river basin, and pH also shifts to the acid, being a signal for the fish to spawn. The water temperature in the ever-shaded waters of tropical forests is often low (22-25°C). In slowly flowing streams and backwaters there are aquatic plants, ready to settle for a relatively small amount of light, among the roots of trees near the shore dwarf cichlids and non-seasonal killifish hide, under the leaves of water lilies there are Pantodons.