#113: 35L Aquatic Garden Keep on rockin!

Andreas Ruppert-Flerlage Frechen, Germany


Classic layout with many fine details. Good blending of plant species to give varied and interesting textures to the aquascape. However I think in this tank having the rocks algae free would have given a cleaner presentation as well as better color contrast against the plants.
— Dennis Wong

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 40 × 32 × 28 cm
Title Keep on rockin!
Volume 35L
Background Milk glas foil
Lighting Chihiros Serie A LED
Filtration External filter 360l/h
Plants - Hemianthus callitrichoides Cuba
- Rotala mexicana Goias
- Hemianthus glomeratus
- Riccardia spec.
- Fissidens fontanus
- Vesicularia dubyana "Mini Christmas"
- Unknown Moss "Bucephalandra Moss"
- Crepidomanes malabaricum
- three different Bucephalandra
Animals Neocaridina davidi (heteropoda) var. rili
Materials Dark Pagoda Rock

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