Dimensions 60 × 37 × 24 cm
Title Land of New Life
Volume 53L
Background white wall with white light
Lighting LED 36w (62x white, 4x blue, 4x red , 2x green)
Filtration canister (600l/h.
Plants Eleocharis sp. "Japan", Eleocharis sp., Eleocharis Acicularis, Eleocharis vivipara "mini", Vesicularia sp., Rotala sp. "Nanjenshan", Hemianthus micranthemoide, Hemianthus callitrichoides, Rotala sp. "Francisco", Rotala sp. "Green", Rotala sp. "H'ra".
Animals Hyphessobrycon Amandae
Materials Rocks, sand and small pebbles
Additional Information Fertilization - (Micro, Macro, Fe e NPK) 1way a week