#193: 125L Biotope Aquascape Coastal waters of the lower forest of Harapan Rainforest in Jambi - Sumatra.

Walter Vázquez Avellaneda, Argentina


Dramatic well-placed lighting and hardscape materials made this small setup seem larger and the dappled shade enhances the natural feel. Obscuring the back wall would further the illusion of a natural waterway.
— Cara Wade

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 50 × 50 × 50 cm
Title Coastal waters of the lower forest of Harapan Rainforest in Jambi - Sumatra.
Volume 125L
Background The tank background its a black vinyl.
Lighting The lighting of the aquarium is based on 6500K and 2700K LED lamps.
Filtration It is filtered by an Atman 3335 canister with biological and mechanical material. The water heating is given by an Eheim Thermocontrol of 100w.
Plants N/A
Animals 8 Puntigrus tetrazona (Bleeker, 1855)
Materials For the hardscape of the aquarium use sands of various sizes, small rocks to resemble the soil of the area represented, branches, leaves, and branches of palm fruit, one of the plants surrounding the waters of the forest area.
Additional Information The Harapan rainforest covers 98,554 ha of dry lowland forest and comprises two old logging concessions of approximately the same size. The entire site has been subject to a certain degree of logging, resulting in three broad forest habitats: "secondary high forest", "secondary secondary forest" and "low secondary forest". Forty percent of the site is 'high secondary forest',25% is 'secondary secondary forest' and 25% is 'secondary secondary forest'. The remaining 10% includes scrub and open field. Harapan Rainforest is home to an impressive variety of mammals, including the Sumatran tiger, the Asian elephant, the Malay bear, the Mitred langur, the Asian tapir, Siamang, the clouded leopard, the Agile gibbon, the slow loris and the Dhole (Asian wild dog), all of which are currently in danger of extinction. Harapan Rainforest is also home to almost 300 species of lowland birds, including eight globally threatened species and 69 near-threatened species.

The diversity of fish in the Harapan rainforest consisting of 123 species, 25 families, and 52 genera. Cyprinidae has much species (59 species of fish).

Despite the previous disturbance of the habitat, there is still a remarkable abundance of species.It is believed that the diversity potential of freshwater fish in this area is very high due to its different habitat. The amount of new fish species found in the Harapan forest is much higher than that of the Batanghari river basin.

The water in this area is clear in the dry season, where the flow of water is lower and this species lives more frequently to reproduce. The substrate is rocky with sand, and the current of water is slow flowing at that time.

The water temperature ranges between 23° and 25° C. The pH is 5.8 - 6.5 with a conductivity between 100-150 microsiemens.

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