#232: 34L Aquatic Garden Blackwood

Nigel Hoevenaar Kaatsheuvel, Netherlands


Blending of various plant species with fine wood work give a naturalistic feel and sense of wilderness without being overly untidy. The sides could be better finished though and the two thick substrate mounds could be better handled without damaging the overall composition.
— Dennis Wong

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 45 × 27 × 30 cm
Title Blackwood
Volume 34L
Lighting Twinstar 450 ES
Filtration Eheim classic 150
Plants fissidens fox
flame moss
weeping moss
riccardia chamedryfolia
crepidomanes malabaricum
riccardia sp. graeffei
buce moss
Animals boraras urophthalmoides, neocaridina davidi yellow, clithon sp
Materials Spiderwood, lava rock

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