Dimensions 120 × 45 × 30 cm
Title Ways to serenity
Volume 162L
Background Black paint
Lighting LED,100 lm/l
Filtration External canister filter,JBL cristalprofi e1501
Plants Callicostella prabaktiana,Creeping moss,Districhphyllum Maibarae,Fissidens fox,Fissidens sp. Mini,Fissidens sp. Thailand,Foliose liverwort Bodok,Homalia sp. "Rosa moss",mini Rosa moss,moss sp.610,Riccardia chamedryfolia,Singapore moss (Vesicularia dubyana),Triangle moss (Cratoneuron filicinium),Bucephalandra sp.
Animals Rasbora espei,Neocaridina heteropoda var. Blue
Materials Quartz sand, Volcanic lava stone
The point that could be improved is on the pruning of mosses. In some places the mosses are very long losing the original shape and the profile of the rocks. Another point is that the layout does not have a priority since the 3 most important mosses have the same importance although the empty spaces are quite pleasant and well distributed. I believe a stronger taller and prominent focal point would make this layout better.
And lastly the black background took depth from the layout. Probably an endless background would give more perspective and depth of field to work. Anyway congratulations for the beautiful aquascape!!!!