#290: 360L Aquatic Garden Betung

Adi pratama Bandar lampung, Indonesia


I like the plant mix used in this aquascape. Many forest aquascape limit themselves to mosses and indistinct plants. Here there is a greater mixture of leaf shapes color tones and textures. Contrast between shadowed areas and planted highlights gives extra dimensions to the aquascape. Planting and hardscape details are handled well with subtlety. Beauty of the craftsmanship here comes through slowly rather than making an instant impact.
— Dennis Wong

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 120 × 60 × 50 cm
Title Betung
Volume 360L
Background Belakang menggunakan stiker sanblas dengan penerangan cahaya latar belakang sebagai efek redup bias
Lighting Led hpl 200w.philips 120w.tl 28w.
Filtration Aquaword filter 1200liter, sump filter,skimer.
Plants Anubias petite,moss,bucepalandra,hydrokotil,pinatifida,montecarlo,ludwigia sp red,bsd,kadaka mini,bebitiers,mini hidrokotil,tanelus,mh,rotala rotundofolia,bolbotis,triden,chriptokorinparfa,chripto.
Animals Lampung shrimp,paracheirodon axelrodi,assasin snail,
Materials Santigi wood,seiryu stone,senggani wood,prodibio soil,ADA soil,ultimate soil, silica sand ADA,power grow,aqua sehat.
Additional Information Bagian dalam hardscape saya tambah filter sebagai penambah arus.. di luar dari filter utama.. dan di bagian atas tumbuhan di tambah lampu biasa sebagai perangsang akar pada tanaman agar cepat tumbuh dan turun menjuntai kebawah.. sesuai dengan konsep di awal seting.

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