#372: 345L Biotope Aquascape Flooded area under tree in middle Rio Guapore drainage, Bolivia

Kamil Hazy Poznan, Poland


Beautiful setup that would benefit from obscuring the seams on the left and being more randomly planted (no lines or rows) to really transfix viewers as a biotope. Very strong though. Good mix of livestock.
— Cara Wade

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 180 × 60 × 32 cm
Title Flooded area under tree in middle Rio Guapore drainage, Bolivia
Volume 345L
Background Black foil
Lighting 2x SANRISE PLANT F002L lead beams; 6x IKEA Jansjo
Filtration Eheim 2228 canister filter, Eheim skim 350, Rossmont mover M4600
Plants Helanthium bolivianum
Animals 3+5 Apistogramma trifasciata, 10x Corydoras sterbai, 30x Hyphessobrycon eques
Materials Substrate: Sand 0,4-1,2mm mixed with peat
Decor: Wood, leaves, peat, bark
Additional Information Specified biotope represents flooded area of "grassland" near the small enclave of trees, quite far from the main riverbed, so the water level varies from 50cm+ to almost completly dry depends on time of the year (in aquarium it is 30cm). Occurence of trees in the area gives a perfect habitat for small fish like Apistogramma sp. becouse of many hiding places between roots, wood pieces lying here and there, or in leaf litter. Slow flow and quite low level of water creates a perfect spot for other small fish to search for food and spawn, becouse it keeps the big predators away. Dense growing of Helanthium bolivianum gives a nice shelter, and algae growing on almost everything fills water with plenty of microorganisms that are a good secondary source of food. During daytime, when sun operates high, small fish hides in the "grass" and rest, while in morning or evening the migration in search for food begins filling the areas uncovered by plants with plenty of specimens

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